Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sergio and Lindsey Brainstorm a Business

Sergio and I went to a thrift store in Waunakee. I was excited because I had never been there before. I've been to Waunakee but I wasn't exactly sure where the store was located, so I used the GPS on Sergio's phone.

Me: I don't have to enter a state because it's supposed to be the only Waunakee in the world.

Sergio: I'm going to get my own city and name it Waunakee.

And in Waunakee, many of the stores are named Waun-A-Something. The bowling alley is the Wauna-Bowl and the dry cleaners is the Waun-A-Clean. Sergio is in IT.

Sergio: What would you call a business for an IT Professional?

Me: Waun-A-Geek?

Sergio: That's what I thought of too.

But I don't think we're ready to open our own business.

Sergio: (while passing a empty 31,000 square foot store) We could have our business here.

Me: That's too big!

Sergio: We can spread stuff out.

Me: That would be like a minimalist store.

Raffinati Store

Um..........no. And we don't even know what we would sell anyway.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Grim Reaper in Our Living Room

J got a motion-sensored grim reaper half off after Halloween. And he's become the newest fixture in our living room.

Me: He's not staying up year round.

J: I'll put a Santa hat on him.

At the time I laughed....

Friday, November 11, 2011

Typical Rose/Kenzie Conversation - 1

Just a typical conversation between Rose and I ... (I have titled this post with a one as there are guaranteed to be more.)

Me: josh is is not responding. therefore, he gets link spammed! mwahahahahaha

[sends following images to Rose that were discovered on Pinterest]

via The Paris Apartment

How do you walk in these?

Rose: doooo eet

Me: which? the glitter wallpaper or the tall shoes?
  i'll tell j you gave me permission to get the glitter wallpaper :P

Rose: no the link spam lol

Me: way to burst my bubble

Rose: no problem *thumbs up*

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand!

This past weekend J and I went on a much-needed vacation to the Dells with Rose and Josh. We had a great time! Here are some snipits:

We got lost trying to find a restaurant in the hotel...
J: Are we there yet?
Rose: Don't make me turn this walking party around.

And Josh picked on me...
Me: I know where you live. Well, I actually don't but I know your address. I'll GPS it.
Josh: Then I'll move.
Me: Well then I won't be able to find you.
Josh: When I move, I"m moving to Wisconsin.
Me: Hey, no borders to cross! 

While walking between water parks....
 J: I wish they had those flat escalators.
Me: Like at the airport?
J: Yeah, I was on it and my bag could ride along next to me.
Me: It would be cool if there was a giant water slide connecting each park.
J: But then your luggage would get all wet!
Me: Not in the airport!
Josh: *facepalm*

When we were done eating and ready to leave...
Josh: Let's blow this popsicle stand.
Me: I wonder where that saying came from. No one goes to the beach with a stick of dynamite.

After finding out the carriage ride to the pumpkin patch was just for kids...
Me: I just need to borrow a kid. (pause) There are plenty of kids here.
Josh: I'm not helping you kidnap.
Me: I'm not kidnapping, just borrowing. I'll give the kid back when I'm done.

We also celebrated my godson, Cristian's 5th birthday while in the Dells.

Nana (to grandson): I haven't seen you since Christmas...I can say Merry Christmas again!

While getting Cristian's cake ready...
Mum (to Cristian): Close your eyes.
Cristian (looking directly at me): Are my eyes closed?
Me: Can you see me?
Cristian: Yes.
Me: Then your eyes aren't closed.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

We Like to Get Our Money's Worth

We just got new tires for the Midnight, the TrailBlazer. This is a conversation between J and I on the way home.

J: If I had a car lift, I could change the tires myself. I would like to have a car lift in our garage.
K: We can't afford that right now.
J: Well not *now.* That's my future dream.
K: Yeah. We don't even have a big enough garage right now.
J: I could build one.
K: But where would you put it?

I was picturing a garage in the small front yard of our apartment building. Instead J says...

J: I would buy four burial plots and build a garage on it.
K: Can you do that?
J: If I pay for them, I can do whatever I want.
K: True. You should be able to use them until you die.
J: Damn right.
K: I would put a swingset on it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Cat is a Ninja

They say people that live together start to look alike. Is it also the case that they act alike? It is for us. And by us I don't mean J and me. I mean J and Kourtney, our tabby and white DSH. J has started meowing. And apparently it means something because Kourtney will respond back. Then Kourtney pulled a J last night. She accidentally scared me. Kourtney was munching out in the kitchen and I went to take a shower. I pulled back the curtain and there was Kourtney, all cute in the bath tub. She must have snuck in when my back was turned!

Don't let that innocent face fool you!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lynx Rufus, The Newest Machinery

The cable's out so I'm going to do the next best thing...blog. I've been having difficulty writing so I guess this is the cable company's way of giving me a little nudge. Because they care so damn much about me. I have been gathering inspiration from various other blogs but also hope to settle into my own unique style. I want to have some humor, because laughter is the best medicine. But also share with you some of the ups and downs in my life, mainly my anxiety and depression. My eventual goal is to annoy the hell out of my depression by being happy. However this is still a work in progress. I also am somewhat hesitant blogging about mental illness due to the animosity I was met with in college because of it. Essentially the colleges wanted to kick me out claiming that I was keeping students from their studies because they were so worried about me. But that's a story for another day. In the meantime, I would like to share with you this gem:

J and I were talking at lunch about how his day was going. All I heard was "bobcat," "radiator," and "keeping an eye on it." Which prompted the response of "Be careful!" (I was picturing J keeping an eye on a wild feline trying to get into a radiator.) Turns out, he was keeping an eye on the Bobcat because it was leaking radiator fluid. Note to self: clarify before worrying.

bobcat vs Bobcat...not the same thing!
Well now it's become a running joke. Once J got the leaking radiator fixed he took it for a test drive. We joke that he saddled up and rode the bobcat around. I need to listen more carefully...or just not let my imagination run wild!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let Me Introduce The New Workout Craze - Skypercise! (skyping while exercising)

So I just had a great idea. There's a commercial where the guy powers his computer using rowing guinea pigs. That made me think about other methods of creating power. My mom's bike has a light powered by pedaling. So why can't pedaling power a computer? Not being able to surf the web unless I'm pedaling would certainly motivate me to exercise. Nothing like immediate gratification for some positive reinforcement. I wonder if this is even possible. And I wonder what else could be powered by pedaling. I wonder what other exercise methods could be utilized. I can say for a fact that if I had to lift weights to power the microwave, I would probably learn to cook on the stove. Well, I do know how. I just don't plans meals enough ahead of time. By the time I start to plan, I'm too hungry to take the time to make something. In short, I will stick to exercising with a buddy. Rhea makes a great exercise buddy. She even makes step class fun. The only problem is that she lives in Waukesha. And I'm not willing to travel one hour to exercise, even if it is with Rhea. Unless it's via skype. Yes, skype! That would work in the class setting, however kind of awkward for walking or running. Especially for Rhea with her desktop. I'll just stick with zumba and my infrequent visits to see Rhea. I'm sure she would appreciate that too. I am going to try to keep walking to work though. That's a solid mile hike every day. Sometimes I'm lazy, sleep longer, and just grab the bus in. But the walk really energizes me for the morning. It's getting late so we'll see how I feel in the morning. And Friday I have to bring my laptop to work so I may bus that day too. Or get a real feel for exercising with my computer!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Cows Go to the Bar

Born and raised in the state of Wisconsin, I have come to appreciate it's beauty....and quirks. Through a segment titled "Happy Cows Come from Wisconsin," I will share what makes America's Dairyland unique. And don't tell me the slogan ends with California. We know the truth.

Via Very Demotivational

Monday, August 29, 2011

Eat Your Heart Out, Judge Judy

J and I are moving to our first first apartment this weekend. We don't like to talk about our real first apartment. It made camping look like a luxury. There was...

mold in the refrigerator, cockroaches in the bathroom, ants in the living room, brush-painted tub and toilet seat, not-up-to-code smoke detector (that didn't even work), water that only got warm not hot, and pot heads. The landlord looked in the window, listened at the door, and protected the sex offender downstairs.

And all before we were there one week.

Needless to say, we broke lease, much to the indignation of the landlord. He proceeded to tell me he would keep my rent and security deposit and sue me for more. The letter stating we would break lease was crumpled up and thrown at us. And upon handing over the keys, we were dismissed with the finger. Which was caught on camera, thanks to our friend M.

21 days later, we have only received $25 of our security deposit and none of the remaining rent from August. Therefore, we are going to court. Many have suggested Judge Judy.

After being away for almost a month, I ran into the landlord the other day....in a dream. He was being arrested. I found out he had also been fired.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Primate Poles

me: There's a motorcycle behind us. It's got those monkey bars.

J: Monkey bars? You mean ape hangers.

me: Same difference. You knew what I was talking about.

J: Monkeys bars are on the playground. Those are ape hangers.

For those of you that are like me and new to the biker world, here is a visual:

Makes my arms tired just looking at it.
Not to be confused with:

Monkeyin' around

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If I Can't Have a Kitty, At Least Give Me Sparkles

Meet Mr. Occlusal Guard.

I brought him home yesterday. He is supposed to help keep me from grinding my teeth at night. He better do more than that at $207 (after insurance). For that price, I could have adopted two kittens from the Humane Society. Which is better? Two soft, cuddly things that keep you company and love you.....or a hunk of plastic? And it's pretty boring too. Not cute or unique like a kitty. Afterwards, I thought I should have asked if they could make it a different color or sparkly. Like the retainers I had when I was a kid. My top retainer was hot pink and glowed in the dark. The bottom one was clear with multicolored sparkles. Not to mention my stellar headgear.

Even with the headgear, I think I was cuter back in the day.

Being the dork that I was, I even wore this to school. I colored-coordinated the bands to my outfits. And clipped my barrette to the headpiece. (Sure didn't care about what people thought about me back then. Where did my self-confidence go?) So mister, you better step up to the plate. You have big shoes to fill. Otherwise, I'm going to exchange you for a kitty.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Things That Make Me.... LLOL

Yes, llol. Literally laugh out loud. Like if you were standing next to me, you would actually hear me. Or not. Sometimes I laugh so hard that no sound comes out and my eyes start to water. The laugh that comes from deep down and gives you an ab workout. That's the best kind of laughter. And these are the things that make me do that:

Jumping Dog Fail
Stalking Cat
Shark Attack

blog posts
This is Why I'll Never be an Adult (Hyperbole and a Half)
And that's why you should learn to pick your battles. (The Bloggess)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Heat Wave Part 2

Here is picture proof of this ridiculous heat:

Excessive Heat Warning until Thursday on the TV
The thermometer in my apartment has hit it's max.
As I told a student, "Stay cool!" (He laughed.)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Heat Wave!

Even as I write this, at almost 9:30 at night, the weather feels like 99 degrees. And with not having air conditioning, it feels about like that in my apartment too. Well not quite as bad. I do have my fans on full blast. At least I have air conditioning at work....hopefully. Today there was an outage. The one thing I was looking forward to today, denied. My office went from 79 to 83 degrees. The newest update is that repairs have been made, but the demand may still be too great to have a/c for Tuesday. It'll be another sleeveless dress (and cardigan) day. Yes, a cardigan. City buses are known to blast the a/c. For those of you in the a/c, stay cool for me! Those without, I feel your pain. And you people in hot and warm climates, you're just crazy. (Though some people might say the same about me living in Wisconsin in winter, but that's for another time.)

[Update: Heat index of 111 on Wednesday?! I'm going to melt! Just like my chocolate :( ]