Thursday, October 27, 2011

We Like to Get Our Money's Worth

We just got new tires for the Midnight, the TrailBlazer. This is a conversation between J and I on the way home.

J: If I had a car lift, I could change the tires myself. I would like to have a car lift in our garage.
K: We can't afford that right now.
J: Well not *now.* That's my future dream.
K: Yeah. We don't even have a big enough garage right now.
J: I could build one.
K: But where would you put it?

I was picturing a garage in the small front yard of our apartment building. Instead J says...

J: I would buy four burial plots and build a garage on it.
K: Can you do that?
J: If I pay for them, I can do whatever I want.
K: True. You should be able to use them until you die.
J: Damn right.
K: I would put a swingset on it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Cat is a Ninja

They say people that live together start to look alike. Is it also the case that they act alike? It is for us. And by us I don't mean J and me. I mean J and Kourtney, our tabby and white DSH. J has started meowing. And apparently it means something because Kourtney will respond back. Then Kourtney pulled a J last night. She accidentally scared me. Kourtney was munching out in the kitchen and I went to take a shower. I pulled back the curtain and there was Kourtney, all cute in the bath tub. She must have snuck in when my back was turned!

Don't let that innocent face fool you!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lynx Rufus, The Newest Machinery

The cable's out so I'm going to do the next best I've been having difficulty writing so I guess this is the cable company's way of giving me a little nudge. Because they care so damn much about me. I have been gathering inspiration from various other blogs but also hope to settle into my own unique style. I want to have some humor, because laughter is the best medicine. But also share with you some of the ups and downs in my life, mainly my anxiety and depression. My eventual goal is to annoy the hell out of my depression by being happy. However this is still a work in progress. I also am somewhat hesitant blogging about mental illness due to the animosity I was met with in college because of it. Essentially the colleges wanted to kick me out claiming that I was keeping students from their studies because they were so worried about me. But that's a story for another day. In the meantime, I would like to share with you this gem:

J and I were talking at lunch about how his day was going. All I heard was "bobcat," "radiator," and "keeping an eye on it." Which prompted the response of "Be careful!" (I was picturing J keeping an eye on a wild feline trying to get into a radiator.) Turns out, he was keeping an eye on the Bobcat because it was leaking radiator fluid. Note to self: clarify before worrying.

bobcat vs Bobcat...not the same thing!
Well now it's become a running joke. Once J got the leaking radiator fixed he took it for a test drive. We joke that he saddled up and rode the bobcat around. I need to listen more carefully...or just not let my imagination run wild!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Let Me Introduce The New Workout Craze - Skypercise! (skyping while exercising)

So I just had a great idea. There's a commercial where the guy powers his computer using rowing guinea pigs. That made me think about other methods of creating power. My mom's bike has a light powered by pedaling. So why can't pedaling power a computer? Not being able to surf the web unless I'm pedaling would certainly motivate me to exercise. Nothing like immediate gratification for some positive reinforcement. I wonder if this is even possible. And I wonder what else could be powered by pedaling. I wonder what other exercise methods could be utilized. I can say for a fact that if I had to lift weights to power the microwave, I would probably learn to cook on the stove. Well, I do know how. I just don't plans meals enough ahead of time. By the time I start to plan, I'm too hungry to take the time to make something. In short, I will stick to exercising with a buddy. Rhea makes a great exercise buddy. She even makes step class fun. The only problem is that she lives in Waukesha. And I'm not willing to travel one hour to exercise, even if it is with Rhea. Unless it's via skype. Yes, skype! That would work in the class setting, however kind of awkward for walking or running. Especially for Rhea with her desktop. I'll just stick with zumba and my infrequent visits to see Rhea. I'm sure she would appreciate that too. I am going to try to keep walking to work though. That's a solid mile hike every day. Sometimes I'm lazy, sleep longer, and just grab the bus in. But the walk really energizes me for the morning. It's getting late so we'll see how I feel in the morning. And Friday I have to bring my laptop to work so I may bus that day too. Or get a real feel for exercising with my computer!