Monday, August 29, 2011

Eat Your Heart Out, Judge Judy

J and I are moving to our first first apartment this weekend. We don't like to talk about our real first apartment. It made camping look like a luxury. There was...

mold in the refrigerator, cockroaches in the bathroom, ants in the living room, brush-painted tub and toilet seat, not-up-to-code smoke detector (that didn't even work), water that only got warm not hot, and pot heads. The landlord looked in the window, listened at the door, and protected the sex offender downstairs.

And all before we were there one week.

Needless to say, we broke lease, much to the indignation of the landlord. He proceeded to tell me he would keep my rent and security deposit and sue me for more. The letter stating we would break lease was crumpled up and thrown at us. And upon handing over the keys, we were dismissed with the finger. Which was caught on camera, thanks to our friend M.

21 days later, we have only received $25 of our security deposit and none of the remaining rent from August. Therefore, we are going to court. Many have suggested Judge Judy.

After being away for almost a month, I ran into the landlord the other a dream. He was being arrested. I found out he had also been fired.

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