Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lynx Rufus, The Newest Machinery

The cable's out so I'm going to do the next best I've been having difficulty writing so I guess this is the cable company's way of giving me a little nudge. Because they care so damn much about me. I have been gathering inspiration from various other blogs but also hope to settle into my own unique style. I want to have some humor, because laughter is the best medicine. But also share with you some of the ups and downs in my life, mainly my anxiety and depression. My eventual goal is to annoy the hell out of my depression by being happy. However this is still a work in progress. I also am somewhat hesitant blogging about mental illness due to the animosity I was met with in college because of it. Essentially the colleges wanted to kick me out claiming that I was keeping students from their studies because they were so worried about me. But that's a story for another day. In the meantime, I would like to share with you this gem:

J and I were talking at lunch about how his day was going. All I heard was "bobcat," "radiator," and "keeping an eye on it." Which prompted the response of "Be careful!" (I was picturing J keeping an eye on a wild feline trying to get into a radiator.) Turns out, he was keeping an eye on the Bobcat because it was leaking radiator fluid. Note to self: clarify before worrying.

bobcat vs Bobcat...not the same thing!
Well now it's become a running joke. Once J got the leaking radiator fixed he took it for a test drive. We joke that he saddled up and rode the bobcat around. I need to listen more carefully...or just not let my imagination run wild!

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